Journal Entry #5: What kind of teacher do I aspire to be?

            Returning to module 1, which asked me how I wanted to be remembered by my students, all of the core characteristics still hold firmly until now. I recall those characteristics of a teacher who teaches quality educationa teacher who is kind yet fair, and a teacher who is accommodating to his students. Now, I understand how to technically achieve these characteristics regarding the Philippine Professional Standards for Teachers (PPTST).

Firstly, with a teacher teaching quality education, this aspect encompasses Domain 1: Content and Pedagogy. To be able to teach quality information in whatever field I might pursue, I must learn specific strands of Domain 1, such as strand 1.1, or content knowledge and its application within and across curriculum areas; strand 1.2, or research-based expertise and principles of learning and teaching; strand 1.4, or strategies for promoting literacy and numeracy; and 1.5, or strategies for developing critical and creative thinking, as well as other higher-order thinking skills. Once I learn about these, I will be considered a Beginning Teacher which employs essential skill and strategy among these strands. For example, if I become a professor of Psychology, I must be able to show the specific psychological concepts and make associations in real-world applications. I must show them how to empirically investigate psychological topics via statistics and critically think about making inferences and conclusions regarding the results. However, to truly become a teacher who delivers the top quality of education, I must work harder to progress in these areas so that my peers and society can consider me a Distinguished Teacher, at least in terms of Domain 1. 

Secondly, being kind yet fair manifests in Domain 2: Learning Environment. These characteristics apply to strand 2.2, or fair learning environment; strand 2.4, or support for learner participation; and strand 2.6, or management of learner behavior. A basic grasp of these strands will allow me to, again, be a Beginning Teacher. Situations like these must involve implementing sensible strategies to create learning settings that value justice, respect, and caring among students. If I give a quiz, the students must know that they have to answer the quiz within the given time period. However, if their absence or lateness was due to a valid reason, I can make a makeup quiz for them. If I make a class group competition, I must encourage everyone to participate and provide them with the same opportunities for learning and rewards. I must also be able to control those students who may be disruptive in class and penalize them for such behaviors. Doing all these in the best ways possible will allow me to become a Distinguished Teacher relative to Domain 2.

            Lastly, someone who is accommodating relates to Domain 3: Diversity of Learners. It means that I understand each respective student's unique experiences and backgrounds. As this is about diversity, I must consider the entirety of Domain 3, deliberating on all strands included. I must learn of the student's gender identities, linguistic, cultural, socio-economic, and religious backgrounds, disabilities, giftedness and talents, difficult circumstances, and indigenous backgrounds. This accommodation endeavor may be too much, but it is a requirement to be considered a Distinguished Teacher in terms of Domain 3. Through time, I can develop the necessary sensitivity and social insight to quickly understand a student's experiences and how these might affect their academic performance. 

To reiterate what kind of teacher I want to be, I want to be a Distinguished Teacher who provides quality education, a Distinguished Teacher who is kind yet fair, and finally, a Distinguished Teacher with enough social sensitivity to be accommodating.


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