Journal Entry #4: Promoting the Code of Ethics in Teaching via Online or Flexible Learning Modality
Though a teacher may have a pleasant disposition, there will always be some learners who pinpoint and ridicule the minuscule faults one has. Soon enough, fury and the thought of retaliation to defend oneself sweep away one's cheerful disposition. The teacher scolds the students on social media or reprimands them in public: the teacher and the student exchange nasty comments. Soon enough, other students or concerned observers take screenshots or videos of the teacher's actions, which they use as evidence against them in a court of law. This scenario is entirely avoidable if one has a go-to list on the teachers' professional code of ethics whenever such a scenario happens. If specific scenarios occur, the teacher can use that go-to list and proceed as calmly as possible. The teacher should expect that students will unavoidably ridicule them publicly, online or face-to-face, so they should write Section 7 Article 3 in their go-to list. If such a situation...